Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dracula Rhetorical Analysis Essays

Dracula Rhetorical Analysis Essays Dracula Rhetorical Analysis Paper Dracula Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Topic: Dracula Jake RenfroMr. McQuearyACC English 4September 8, 2013Female Sexuality in Dracula Bram Stoker’s Dracula was written and set in the late 19th century. It is one of the great classic gothic horror novels of all time. This novel appeals to a male audience more than a female one, because of its genre and graphic imagery. One of the most pertinent themes present in the novel is the theme of female sexuality and the symbolism it presents. In the novel, it is evident that the women characters reputations play a large role in how the male characters judge them. A prime example of this is when Arthur Holmwood has trouble believing that Lucy could ever contradict the characteristics of an ideal Victorian woman until he sees her actions after she has been subject to Dracula’s bite. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, pathos is utilized to convey the theme of female sexuality to portray false morality that was present in the Victorian times. In Victorian times, women were very limited in their freedoms. In fact, â€Å"a woman’s place was in the home, as domesticity and motherhood were considered by society at large to be a sufficient emotional fulfillment for females† (Abrams). The role of the typical Victorian woman in the home consequently kept them out of the public social scene. In Victorian society, there were essentially two paths that a woman could take. â€Å"She could either be pure and virginal (or a mother/wife), otherwise she was regarded as a whore† (Abrams). Other people in the Victorian times had other opinions about Victorian morals and standards. In an article written by Herbert Schlossberg, he includes a primary resource that quotes a Victorian philosopher: â€Å"The progress made in refinement of manners and morals seems to have gone on simultaneously with the imprrovement in arts, manufactures and commerce. It moved slowly at first, but has been constantly increasing in velocity. Some say we have refined away all our sim plicity and have become artificial,

Monday, March 2, 2020

Using Spanish Gerunds Without an Auxiliary Verb

Using Spanish Gerunds Without an Auxiliary Verb Although the Spanish verbal present participle or gerund - that is, the form of the verb that ends in -ando or -iendo - is most commonly used with estar and a few other verbs to form what are known as the progressive verb forms, it can also be used by itself (without an auxiliary verb) to indicate that something is being done or occurring while something else is occurring. In most such cases, the present participle can still be translated using the English -ing form of the verb. There are several ways in which sentences using the gerund can be translated or thought of in English. One common way is for it to be used as the equivalent of the English while followed by an -ing verb: Here are some examples: Llorà © escuchando tu voz. I cried while listening to your voice. Ganaron cinco partidos, perdiendo trece. They won five matches while losing 13.  ¿Soy la à ºnica en este planeta que se durmià ³ viendo El silencio de los inocentes? Am I the only person on this planet who fell asleep while watching The Silence of the Lambs? Los participantes comenzaron el estudio comiendo una dieta americana. The participants began the study while eating an American diet. Note that in most of the above English translations, the word while can be omitted with little or no change in meaning. In some cases (including some of the above examples, depending on how theyre interpreted), the gerund is used much like an adverb to describe how the action of the main verb is carried out: Mi amiga salià ³ corriendo. My friend left running. Finalmente se fue sonriendo. Finally he went away laughing. Sà ³lo compraron Nescafà ©, ignorando el resto de las marcas. They only bought Nescafà ©, ignoring the other brands. When the gerund is used to describe how something is done, it can often be translated using the English preposition by: Usted puede darles el mejor comienzo a sus bebà ©s teniendo un buen cuidado de usted. You can give your babies the best beginning by taking good care of yourself. Podemos ahorrar tiempo usando la bicicleta. We can save time by using the bicycle. Estudiando mucho, tendremos à ©xito. By studying hard, we will be successful. Often, in the English translation, the word by can be omitted with little or no change in meaning, as in the second example above. Note that while it is sometimes done in imitation of English, as in news headlines, it is not standard Spanish to use the gerund to affect the meaning of a noun. You would not use fumando, for example, to talk about the smoking man. Normally, youd use phrase such as el hombre que fuma. In effect, the Spanish gerund fulfills the function of an adverb, while the English gerund can take the role of an adjective.